Paytm FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Business Restrictions Imposed on Paytm Payments Bank Limited

Paytm FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Business Restrictions Imposed on Paytm Payments Bank Limited

In the recent press releases dated January 31 and February 16, 2024, Reserve Bank of India has provided clarification regarding the business restrictions imposed on Paytm Payments Bank’s operations. Below are answers to frequently asked questions regarding these restrictions:

Bank Accounts with Paytm Payments Bank

1. Can I continue to withdraw money from my savings or current account with Paytm Payments Bank after March 15, 2024?

Yes, customers can continue to use, withdraw, or transfer funds from their accounts up to the available balance. Similarly, debit cards issued by Paytm Payments Bank can also be used for withdrawals or transfers within the available balance.

2. Can I deposit or transfer money into my account with Paytm Payments Bank after March 15, 2024?

No, after March 15, 2024, customers will not be able to deposit money into their accounts with Paytm Payments Bank. Only credits such as interest, cashbacks, sweep-ins from partner banks, or refunds will be allowed.

3. Can refunds be credited into my account with Paytm Payments Bank after March 15, 2024?

Yes, refunds, cashbacks, sweep-ins from partner banks, or interest can still be credited into accounts with Paytm Payments Bank even after March 15, 2024.

Deposits Maintained with Partner Banks

4. What will happen to the deposits maintained with partner banks through ‘sweep in/out’ arrangements after March 15, 2024?

Existing deposits of Paytm Payments Bank customers maintained with partner banks can be brought back to the accounts with Paytm Payments Bank, subject to the prescribed ceiling on balance. However, no fresh deposits with partner banks through Paytm Payments Bank will be allowed after March 15, 2024.

5. Can customers continue to receive their salary into their accounts with Paytm Payments Bank after March 15, 2024?

No, after March 15, 2024, customers will not be able to receive any salary credits into their accounts with Paytm Payments Bank. It is recommended to make alternative arrangements with another bank before March 15, 2024, to avoid inconvenience.

Aadhar-Linked Subsidies and Benefits

6. Can customers continue to receive subsidies or direct benefit transfers linked to Aadhar into their accounts with Paytm Payments Bank after March 15, 2024?

No, after March 15, 2024, customers will not be able to receive any such credits into their accounts with Paytm Payments Bank. It is advised to change the linked account to another bank before March 15, 2024, to avoid any inconvenience or disruption.

Automatic Payments and Mandates

7. Will automatic payments such as monthly electricity bills or OTT subscriptions continue after March 15, 2024?

Withdrawal/debit mandates will continue to be executed until there is a balance available in the account. However, no further credits or deposits will be allowed after March 15, 2024. Customers are advised to make alternative arrangements through another bank before March 15, 2024, to avoid inconvenience.

Closing Wallets and Transferring Balances

8. Can customers close their wallets with Paytm Payments Bank and transfer the balance to accounts with other banks?

Yes, customers can approach Paytm Payments Bank to close their wallets and transfer the balance to accounts maintained with other banks, especially for full KYC wallets. For minimum KYC wallets, customers may use the available balance or request a refund.

Paytm FASTag, NCMC, and Other Services

9. Can customers continue to use their FASTags issued by Paytm Payments Bank after March 15, 2024?

Yes, customers can continue to use their FASTags to pay tolls up to the available balance. However, no further funding or top-ups will be allowed after March 15, 2024. It is recommended to procure a new FASTag issued by another bank before March 15, 2024, to avoid inconvenience.

10. Can customers use their NCMC cards issued by Paytm Payments Bank after March 15, 2024?

Yes, customers can continue to use their NCMC cards up to the available balance. However, no top-ups or recharges will be allowed after March 15, 2024. It is suggested to obtain an NCMC card issued by another bank or non-bank pre-paid instrument (PPI) issuer before March 15, 2024, to avoid inconvenience.


These FAQs provide comprehensive information regarding the business restrictions imposed on Paytm Payments Bank Limited by RBI. Customers are advised to take necessary actions before March 15, 2024, to ensure a smooth transition and avoid any inconvenience.

Note: Please note that these restrictions are as per the RBI’s directives and are subject to change. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, please refer to the official RBI website or contact Paytm Payments Bank directly.

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